Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mini Desserts

Starbucks now has mini desserts! Genius! I have always said I wanted to do some sort of restaurant or concept that has little desserts, since all I tend to want of anything truly decadent is a few slow, satisfying bites. Check out these cute little things! My husband and I tried the salty toffee something or other, and it was very rich and delicious. We actually didn't even finish the teeny thing!

I have no idea what the ingredients are or how many calories are in them, but the important thing is that if you're craving something sweet, these small bites just might do the trick. When eating these or other desserts, make sure to sit down, find a quiet moment, and truly savor each bite. Smell it before you eat it. Taste how it feels in your mouth. Roll it over your tongue and through your teeth. If you take your time to enjoy it, you'll get much more satisfaction out of every bite, and you probably won't need so much to quench your craving.

Also, I hope you like the new blog header. The beautiful Rachel Harding is to thank for that one ;)



  1. You're too kind! Glad you recommend those treats...the raspberry cake isn't too bad either!

  2. I can't wait for them to come here! Raspberry cake sounds good too....
