Sunday, October 3, 2010

Baltimore Farmers' Market and Weber's Farm

I had the pleasure of visiting the Baltimore Farmers' Market today during my two-week trip to this very interesting city. Apparently the market has been running for 30 years, and it was absolutely packed on this Sunday morning in October. Interestingly, it's located under a bridge in a very urban, city area, and if you didn't know it was there you would probably never see it! Here are photos from the market. Enjoy!

Here's an arial view, but this doesn't do any justice to the enormity of this market:

Jumbalaya and other Creole food:

Gorgeous radishes and flowers:

Fresh crepes...apparently they made crepes AND Mexican food. Genius? I think so!

A pickle vendor:

The line for the mini donuts wrapped around the corner:


If my husband saw this, he'd call it arululululugula:

Vendors sell all sorts of meat, including pork, chicken, turkey, beef, bison, and lamb:

Check out these gourds!

Fun 'shrooms:

Amazing maple syrup:

Bye-bye, market!

About 8 miles away was Weber's Farm, an apple orchard, cider mill, and general store. I definitely got into the fall spirit! Weber's Farm has a "boo barn," scarecrow workshop, and hayride area for kids, and it was fun to see their wide eyes and smiling faces.

My partner in crime, Nancy, loved this road:

Another view:

Scarecrow workshop:

Our lunch:

Pumpkins! I'd buy ten of them if I didn't have to fit them in a suitcase...

Happy fall!


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