Sunday, December 2, 2012

The "World's Best Chicken"

I love Pinterest recipe inspirations, especially those that are relatively healthy and easy to make.  This chicken dish, named the "World's Best Chicken" and highly rated by those who have pinned and repinned it, was a hit at our house.  In fact, I have already made it a few times.  Since the ingredients are minimal, it's a great go-to dish to have on standby.

Maple syrup is one of my preferred sweeteners, since it is high in manganese and zinc, two crucial minerals that are important cofactors in a variety of physiologic reactions.  It may also be helpful for your immune system and good for male reproductive health.  When choosing sweeteners, I try to stick to those that are minimally processed and exist in nature, preferably honey, maple syrup, stevia, sugar in the raw, and small amounts of agave nectar.

World's Best Chicken


2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts or chicken thighs (use organic)
1/2 cup Dijon mustard
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
Salt & pepper


Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a small bowl, mix together mustard, syrup, and vinegar.  Note: I doubled the recipe.

Place chicken breasts into 9×13 greased baking dish. Season with salt & pepper.  

Pour mustard mixture over chicken. Make sure each breast is coated.  No need to marinate.

Bake for about 35-50 minutes or until meat thermometer reads 165 degrees.  Err on the longer side if you want it a little more baked in. There will be extra sauce in the pan, which you can elect to toss out or use for extra flavoring.  Season with rosemary.

Serve with some roasted veggies and in our case, some sweet potato soup, for a well-rounded and warming meal.



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