Monday, May 2, 2011

Coconut Quick Bread

I'm always on the lookout for healthy baked goods, and when I came across this recipe in my friend Maya's newsletter, the Weekly Fig, I was stoked. Maya is a registered dietitian with a holistic background who has a similar approach as mine. Her newest website, Intentful Chef, is officially launching soon, and she is both a wealth of knowledge and an excellent cook. Thanks for this recipe, Maya!

I couldn't have said this any better, so I will directly quote Maya's Weekly Fig issue:

"Coconut flour is gluten free, high fiber, and high protein! You can buy it at most health food stores. Gluten is what typically gives breads their structure, which holds them together. Since the flour is gluten free, the properties are very different from that of wheat flour. Hence the reason for 6 whole eggs, providing a new form of structure for the bread."

Don't shy away from coconut oil and real, organic pasture butter - we're learning every day through research that saturated fat is not what causes heart disease. Check out this article for more information.

Maya's Coconut Quick Bread

1 cup coconut flour (I got mine at Whole Foods)
1/2 cup real, unsalted butter (try organic pasture butter at Whole Foods)
6 eggs
4 T honey (you can use 2 or even a few dashes of stevia)
1/2 tsp. dirty sea salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon (optional)


Assemble ingredients:

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl using an electric mixer until it becomes a "clumpless" paste.

Coconut flour:




Grease a loaf pan and drop in the batter.

Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. The top will become golden brown or darker. Serve as is, with fresh made jam, or coffee (or Teeccino!).



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