Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Reason Why Probiotics Are Important

A lot of people associate probiotics, or good bacteria, with improved digestion and better, er, regularity. Recent research suggests something rather interesting: gut bacteria may be linked to your brain chemistry and behavior. Researchers at McMaster University altered normal gut bacterial content in healthy adult mice using antibiotics, resulting in a change in both behavior and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, an important brain chemical. When antibiotics were stopped and healthy gut flora returned to normal, behavior also normalized.

This research is encouraging, as it further supports how important our gut health is to our overall wellbeing. Furthermore, it promotes further research that might better describe potential links between gut dysfunction and behavior alterations or neurochemical imbalances. Additional study in this area might help us explain links between IBS and depression or ADHD or autism and gut inflammation.

In the interim, it's important to supplement with probiotics, especially after a course of antibiotics. I actually recommend probiotics and fish oil to all of my clients, both adults and children, since omega-3 fast and probiotics are difficult to get in one's diet. My favorite brand is Genestra HMF Forte. I've been using it personally for 3 years upon recommendation by a naturopathic doctor, and I have also had wonderful and professional success with the product. "HMF" stands for Human Micro Flora. According to Genestra, HMF products are cultured from human (instead of cow or pig) gut and have greater adherence to the GI wall. I've recommended it to many clients, and even the ones with the most sensitive stomachs or those who have never had success with probiotics become big fans. You can purchase it through or through me.

Depending on your case and history, I recommend 1-4 capsules per day with food. There are also other HMF products that I like, depending on my client's situation. HMF Replete is a 7-day repletion protocol that is great for use right after a round of antibiotics. Make sure to wait 3-4 days after your last antibiotic dose before starting probiotics.

If you're planning to become pregnant, are prone to colds, have seasonal allergies, or have any gut compromise (like constipation, diarrhea, or GI upset), it's especially important for you to think about probiotics!

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