Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chocolate Walnut Clean Program Scones and Clean Week 2

I'm on week 2 of the Clean Program. It has been a rough week stress-wise, which made this detox a little bit more difficult than expected. It's amazing when we realize why we reach for food (or a glass of wine!). I don't consider myself much of an emotional eater anymore, but apparently I still have the "must-put-something-in-mouth" reflex when really stressed. While doing Clean, I'm forced to reevaluate why and how I'm eating. It's a great way to check in with what's going on in my head and how that affects how I'm eating.

Week 2 progress has included a dramatic decrease in cravings for sweets and a leveling out in my blood sugar. My skin has started to clear up, and my eyes are looking bright. My digestive tract is functioning much better too. I'm in Baltimore for week 3, so I have a lot of time alone to relax, de-stress, and watch movies after work (as opposed to running errands, cooking, cleaning, or hanging out with loved ones at home). Oh, and I'm supposed to work on that whole chill out thing...we'll see ;)

I wanted to make something baked and yummy that is both Greg-approved and Clean Program-worthy. This recipe comes from Clean Eats, a recipe book on the
Clean Program website (click on "GOOP Recipes"). The recipes in this booklet are not necessarily strict to the 21-day detox but are gluten-, dairy-, soy-, and added sugar-free. I'm a big fan of scones, but I don't often make them because it's hard to find a healthy alternative that actually tastes good, and I don't like the too-sweet scones found at coffee shops. Both Greg and I really enjoyed these and look forward to making them on a regular basis. Note: since I'm avoiding chocolate (made with sugar) on the program, I simply added about 1/4 cup shredded coconut.

Chocolate Walnut Scones Ingredients:
3/4 cup coconut oil + 1 tsp. for greasing the baking sheet

1/4 cup water

1/2 cup dates, pitted

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/8 tsp. baking soda

2 cups gluten free all purpose flour (Bob's Red Mill) + 1 T for dusting (
the recipe calls for 1 cup, but per recommendations on the Clean website, I used 2 cups)
Pinch sea salt
2 oz organic dark chocolate (sugar/dairy free), coarsely chopped
(this is where I used shredded coconut instead)
1/2 cup raw, organic walnuts, coarsely chopped


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl.

In a separate bowl, mash the dates until you have a thick paste and set aside.

Warm the coconut oil until it's liquid and add to date paste with vanilla and water.

Add the wet to the dry (I did dry to wet) and mix until combined. Dough should hold together. Stir in the walnuts and shredded coconut if using.

Form the dough into a round and place on a lightly floured surface and cut in half. Roll each half into another round. Cut one of the rounds in half and cut each half into thirds and repeat with the second round so you have 12 wedges.
Lightly grease a baking or cookie sheet with the coconut oil and place the wedges on the sheet in the oven for 16 minutes, turning at the 8 minute mark. Note: you can also make rustic drop scones by simply spooning the dough onto the sheet like giant cookies if you prefer that to the wedge shape.

When they come out, look how beautiful they are!

Don't these look good? Is your mouth watering yet?

I hope you give this recipe a shot and enjoy them as much as we did!



  1. I attempted this recipe, without the walnuts or chocolate - and using blueberries instead...but it turned out terrible :( Any thoughts? They just crumbled to there isn't enough glue.

  2. So sorry for the delay in response - I have been out of town for 4 weeks! This is a huge bummer! I oftentimes cook to "feel" if the recipe doesn't seem right, and I think that with this one I add more softened dates if the dough doesn't seem to stick together well enough. You definitely want it to have some "glue," as you say. Next time I make them I will see if I can come up with any more ideas. They're normally a huge hit and seem very easy to make, so I wish I had a better answer for you! Thanks for reading, trying, and posting :)
