Friday, March 30, 2012

Freebie Friday - Stevia

Today's Freebie Friday is one container of powdered stevia extract! To be eligible to win, leave a comment below this post and tell me how you like to use any of these natural sweeteners - stevia, honey, maple syrup, or sugar in the raw!

I love using stevia to sweeten iced tea, Teeccino, and baked goods or frozen desserts. It's not an artificial sweetener - it comes from the naturally sweet stevia leaf - but it's also sugar and calorie free. This means it does not cause your blood sugar and subsequent insulin levels to rise. High insulin levels over time may increase our risk for chronic disease, including heart disease and diabetes, so it's important to keep them as steady as we can. Using stevia helps me avoid a sugar spike while getting a small amount of sweetness.ase over time.
Hey stevia plant! Don't you look gawwwgeous!

I also use small amounts of honey, real maple syrup, and sugar in the raw as sweeteners. I avoid artificial sweeteners like saccharin (Sweet N Low), aspartame (Nutrasweet), acesulfame K (Sweet One), and sucralose (Splenda) because not only am I cautious of the risks, but because I feel terrible after consuming them. I can tell instantly if I accidentally ingest artificial sweeteners - a headache and stomachache usually ensue. Don't get me wrong; I used to love my Diet Dr. Pepper, but when I had my last diet soda five years ago, I didn't realize how much better I would feel without it.

Even if you don't drink diet soda, you might be getting artificial sweeteners in your gum, candy, or even dietary supplements (like Airborne! Bummer!). Check the label, and remember that many companies use the generic term (acesulfame K or acesulfame potassium are popular in gum) on the ingredient list.

You can purchase stevia at most grocery stores under the name Truvia, but I prefer to get it at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods because I get the extract without fillers or additives (like Truvia uses) and can use much less of it. It's also cropping up at barista stands, where you would also find sugar packets. Stevia is available in powdered and liquid forms, and many of the liquid varieties are flavored. Vanilla sweetness in your coffee? Mmm.




  1. I found a great recipe for baked oatmeal and made it a little sweeter with Stevia!

  2. Now you got me excited about Teeccino...recommendations on flavors??

    1. I love the vanilla and hazelnut flavors, but all are really good! I made a Teeccino latte today with almond milk :)

  3. Is this contest still open? I found your blog while googling "green juice johnjay". Great article!

    1. Nope, sorry - only Friday until midnight Pacific time. However, you can play this Friday! A chance to win each week! :)
