Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year, Big Changes

Image courtesy of Karve Studio

Sometimes you can "just tell" what's ahead of you, and I can "just tell" that 2012 will be the year of big changes. The first change starts tomorrow night: I'm going to start Karve teacher training! I have been working with Karve studio as their dietitian for almost three years and now take a class 4-6 days per week. I absolutely adore Karve's safe and extremely effective method that uses a ballet barre and integrates pilates, dance, and basic gym moves. Each class leaves me sore and stretched out, and even though I have been doing it for quite a while, I never get bored (or hit a plateau). It seems like teaching is the next logical step, and with the opening of the new North Scottsdale studio - less than a mile from my office - there is a great need for new instructors. I feel so blessed to be included in this class of training teachers and can't wait to meet new friends and learn how to share the method I love so much with others.

This is me during my most recent nutrition seminar at Karve Scottsdale:

With this new change comes another. Since I will be training every Monday and Wednesday night for 12+ weeks, I will be experimenting less in the kitchen and might not be blogging as often. However, if there's a topic or recipe you're really interested in seeing, please let me know! Adding Karve teacher training to an already full schedule (day job, nutrition consulting business, workout schedule, family and social life) means that something has to give - and God willing it won't be my sanity or free time.

It's important to do what you love and make time for things that are important to you. I believe more each day that happiness and fulfillment are above all else when it comes to my work life. May 2012 bring you clarity, satisfaction, and positive change.


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