Sunday, March 6, 2011

Clean Program - Round Two!

I decided to embark on another round of the 3-week Clean Program. As you may recall, I did this last August and had great results. It was a remarkable journey and an incredible self-exploration, and I've decided I want to do it at least once a year. I've been having some digestive and allergy issues lately, and since a friend of mine was interested in doing it as well, I decided to give it another go. Plus, I'm going to be traveling for work, and it's surprisingly easy to do the program while traveling as long as I have a blender.

I'm doing a modified version of the program, as I didn't buy the kit this time and instead am using Sun Warrior protein powder, hemp seed powder as the fiber supplement, and my own anti-fungal and anti-parasitic supplements from Thorne. I am also using HMF Forte probiotics instead of the Clean program probiotics. I'm on Day 8, and so far it has been an interesting journey.

The first time I did the program, I had a chef make my lunches. This time, I decided to make it all on my own the Sunday before each week. While it takes up 2-3 hours of my Sunday afternoon, this prep-style cooking has been great because I don't have to think about food prep at all during the week. I think I'll even do some form of this type of cooking after the program, especially on busy weeks, so I don't have to sacrifice having great homemade meals.

For the first week, I made three meals to have for my lunches. I didn't take photos as I made the recipes because I was a bit worried they wouldn't turn out. Boy, was I wrong! Greg and I have both loved the new recipes, and everything I have made thus far has been a slam dunk.

Here is the chicken and butternut squash millet rissoto:

Dairy-free pesto, brown rice pasta, and chicken:

Three-bean salad:

For far, the program has been easier than time number one. I'm only starting to experience some headaches today, which I attribute to the detox process. I haven't been really hungry or deprived (except for the one time Greg ordered Barro's pizza, which wafted past my nose while I was drinking my cold shake at night). I have been a lot more emotional than last time, and I wonder if this time around has been more of a "quantum," or emotional detox. I'm excited to see what the next two weeks have in store for my system.

Hopefully I'll have good news to report next week!



  1. Hi, I found this post when googling around to find alternatives to the clean program supplements (too expensive for me). The ones you mention looked really interesting, but I ultimately ended up figuring out that the entire Clean Program is manufactured by a company called Metagenics, and you can get the exact same supplements as in the program for about 30-40% less by purchasing the Metagenics version. In case anyone else looking for the same information arrives at this post, the full list of alternatives can be found here:
