Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fun with Food - Grapefruitoons

My coworker's friend, a graphic designer, has started a really interesting
blog where she uses REAL grapefruit skin and other things around her house to create grapefruit characters. She adds graphic backgrounds using her computer, but the actual characters are real, 3D "creatures" made by hand. It's truly remarkable what she can do with the rind of a grapefruit! (And, she's not wasting any food, since she also eats the grapefruit flesh.)

I like this website because it's a reminder that healthy eating can still be delicious, interesting, and fun. For those of you who have children, maybe you want to try something like this! Grapefruit is a great source of vitamin C and many phytochemicals, and it is grown locally here in Arizona.

Check out the Grapefruitoons website here.

Caveat: if you take certain medications, such as Lipitor (and other statins), Zoloft, or Allegra, do not eat grapefruit because it adversely interacts with these drugs. For more grapefruit-drug interactions, see this list.

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